PART 10 – 3’s A Crowd

Synopsis. A standard issue hotel room. Sandra, Mary and Nick attempt to get things started: vodka, porno DVD – its awkward, they are all outside their comfort zone and a lot is at stake. With a heady mix of nervousness and bruvaro they engage in a menage-a-trois which turns into a battle between Nick and Sandra for Mary’s sexuality.

Morning. Sandra, Mary and Nick are asleep. Sandra awakens. She watches Mary asleep in Nick’s arms, takes in the situation.

Hotel ensuite. Sandra wipes steam from the mirror and stares deeply at her reflection. A tear falls and disappears amongst the water on her face.

Hotel room. Mary has just boiled the kettle to make coffee. Nick excuses himself to use the shower. Mary wants more of Sandra. Sandra says “It’s over.”

Hotel corridor. Sandra is waiting for the lift to arrive. She finds Mary’s number and messages. Deletes them. The lift arrives, the door opens and she enters into its light.

On a city street. Karen walks with Sandra to a tram stop. The tram arrives. They hug. Sandra and Karen get on the tram. The tram leaves. We stay and watch life carry on.


Full Script. A STANDARD issue hotel room. A double bed dominates the room. Arty photos of Melbourne and Paris adorn the walls. 

NICK (Off screen): Look we want to be discreet about this you know?
Sandra smiles faintly.
NICK: We’re not gonna judge you or anything. (Waving a bottle of vodka.) Do youse want a drink?
Sandra nods.
NICK: (To Mary) You have one too babe. (To Sandra.) She’s a bit nervous about all this.
Mary rolls her eyes. Sandra knows that’s not true.
SANDRA: (to Mary) So am I.
NICK: (Raises his glass) Yia.
Nick sculls his drink.
Sandra sculls her drink, watches Mary. Mary sculls her drink – head rush. She steadies and focuses on Sandra.
NICK: (To Sandra) So you done something like this before?
SANDRA: No. Have you?
NICK: Yeah sure.
Sandra looks at Mary to check the truth of this statement. She can’t read her.
SANDRA: Have you ever done this with a guy?
NICK: No fucking way, I’m no pousti. Anyway Mary doesn’t need another man. (A beat.) I’ve brought a porno, you know, to get us in the mood.
MARY: I don’t know about the porno.
NICK: You don’t like it? (Holds up the porno DVD)
MARY: It gets a bit repetitive.
NICK: Well do youse have any other suggestions?
MARY: Some music maybe?
Mary finds a sound system and links up her mobile – she selects a slow groove. Mary sculls another drink/invites Sandra to dance/guides her into an embrace. They sway together.
MARY: (To Sandra) At Uni you didn’t care what anyone thought.
SANDRA: You’re wrong. I cared very much.
They dance in each other’s arms. Mary caresses Sandra’s cheek and gently kisses her lips. Mary yields to her sensuality. Nick watches – getting aroused – but their familiarity is unnerving him. Mary gazes upon Sandra as if she is about to dive into a deep pool. She kisses Sandra hard on the mouth to convince Sandra, to convince herself. Nick joins them/threads his arms around Mary’s waist. The three dance, kiss, caress while loosening each other’s clothes. Nick and Sandra compete for Mary’s attention. Mary balances her desires for Sandra and her duty to Nick. Nick pulls Mary from Sandra’s grasp. He cups her face with his hands, forcing her to look upon him, upon her reality. He kisses Mary hard on the mouth then disengages. Nick takes Sandra, almost throwing her off balance as he plunges his hand into her loosened pants. He loosens his belt. Sandra struggles to find the arousal. Mary pulls Nick away from Sandra.
MARY: (To Nick) Fuck me really hard.
NICK: Yeah!
They fall onto the bed. Nick fucks Mary hard and urgent. Mary answers in whimpers while looking at Sandra. Nick grabs her face to look at him as he climaxes. Nick climaxes and peels himself off Mary. He kisses whatever part of Mary’s body is closest to him. Mary pulls Sandra towards her and whispers close to Sandra’s lips.
MARY: Make me cum.
Sandra stares at her, thinking about every sex act that she knows. Their hands search out each other’s arousal. Their breathing quickens until they cry out as their passion is satiated.


MORNING. Sandra, Mary and Nick are asleep. Mary is in Nick’s arms. Sandra awakens. She takes in the situation. She looks somewhere into the distance, then refocuses on where she is. She slips out of the bed.

HOTEL ensuite. Sandra comes out of the shower, wipes the steam from the mirror and stares deeply at her reflection. We hear the muffled sounds of switching TV channels coming from the adjacent room. Her expression deepens. A tear falls and disappears amongst the water on her face. 


SANDRA emerges from the ensuite, straightening her shirt. Mary stands by the servery watching the kettle complete its boil. Nick is lounging on the bed flipping though TV channels.
MARY: (To Sandra) Would you like a tea?
SANDRA: No. I’ll get going.
We stay with Mary and Sandra.
NICK (Off screen): That’s a good idea. Babe I’ll jump in the shower?
OFF SCREEN we hear the ensuite door close then the shower start running. Mary moves towards Sandra and kisses her. Sandra’s expression deepens, she withdraws.
SANDRA: It’s over now.
Mary scoffs.
MARY: Well you got what you wanted.
Sandra smiles faintly.
SANDRA: Goodbye Mary.
Sandra exits. We stay with Mary. OFF SCREEN we hear the door close.

HOTEL corridor. Sandra waits for the lift to arrive. She holds her mobile finds Mary’s number. Considers it. Deletes the entry. The lift arrives, the door opens and she steps into its light.

MORNING. Sandra and Karen walking together arrive at a tram stop. They hug. Have we seen this before? A second take perhaps? This time they both board the tram and the tram leaves. We stay here and watch life carry on.