Part 9 – Don’t be Ridiculous

Synopsis. Sandra’s apartment deep into the night. Sandra is obviously waiting for someone. An urgent knock on the door – its Mary. Sandra insists “We can have a life together”, Mary keeps repeating “This is ridiculous”. She is not going to leave her marriage. They argue what does a relationship look like for them? Mary has a diabolical proposal amongst the tears, lust and desperation – Nick must be included in any relationship, in any sex. Sandra is pussy-whipped. Sandra must choose.

In Gloria’s bedroom. Sandra makes love to Gloria urgent and rough. Sandra collapses in tears, interrogates Gloria “Could you love me or am I just your plaything?” Gloria doesn’t take the bait. Gloria knows there is something else going on. She gently teases out from Sandra the true reason for the outburst – Sandra loves Mary and wants her all to herself, but can’t have her and can’t let go. Gloria says it’s good to know what you want. Sandra is not so sure.

Sandra arrives at Karen’s apartment. Karen offers her sanctuary. They fall asleep in each other’s arms. First light, Karen offers Sandra coffee.

On a city street. Karen walks with Sandra to a tram stop. The tram arrives. They hug. Sandra gets on the tram. The tram leaves. Karen walks away.


Full Script. DEEP into the night. Sandra is obviously waiting for someone. There is an insistent knock at the door. Without hesitation Sandra opens the door. It’s Mary, dishevelled from crying. Mary pushes past Sandra into the apartment. Mary flits around the room like a trapped bird. Sandra is insistent.
SANDRA: I love you. I’ve always loved you.
MARY: What does that mean for us?
SANDRA: We can have a life together.
MARY: Yeah and we’ll be the other lezzo couple in the street. Oh yeah, people might (Mary gestures talking mark) “support diversity” but you don’t hear what they say …”who’s the man, who’s the woman”? Are you the man? Am I the man?
SANDRA: Who cares?
MARY: This is ridiculous.
SANDRA: Do you love me?
Mary doesn’t have an answer.
SANDRA: Do you love me?
Mary fires point blank.
MARY: I’m not going to leave my marriage.
Sandra staggers.
MARY: Nick and I have made an understanding.
Sandra backs away, she doesn’t want to hear this.
MARY: I can have sex with women if he’s included.
MARY: He’s ok with it – he doesn’t mind.
SANDRA: I’m sure he doesn’t. Did he see that it some porno?
MARY: No. It was my idea.
Sandra stops, stunned.
SANDRA: Is that all I am to you?
Mary makes an ambiguous movement with her head.
MARY: You don’t have to have sex with him.
Sandra can’t read her.
SANDRA: That doesn’t make it any better.
Sandra shakes her head, helpless.
Sandra takes Mary’s face in her hands/kisses her tenderly growing to intense.
SANDRA: I love you.
She pushes Mary hard against the wall. They reach under each other’s clothes. It’s rough and urgent. Mary pushes Sandra away. Sandra falls onto the sofa, pussy whipped. She rubs her forehead. Mary remains standing strokes Sandra’s head – a master stroking her bitch. Sandra slaps Mary’s hand away.
MARY: I’ll text you the time and place. Come or don’t come it’s up to you.
Mary leaves. Sandra is devastated.

LATER in Gloria’s bedroom. Sandra and Gloria are having sex. It’s urgent and rough. Sandra and Gloria are on the verge of orgasm. They climax and release. Sandra is deeply moved, troubled even. Gloria notices, looks at her enquiringly, waits.
SANDRA: Could you love me?
GLORIA: Are you getting serious now darling?
SANDRA: Would you have a relationship with me?
GLORIA: I didn’t think you were the type of woman who… how does that joke go?… that brings a moving truck to the second date?
Sandra extracts herself abruptly, gets out of the bed, pulls on her clothes. Gloria remains calm and waits.
SANDRA: So I’m just someone to have a bit of fun with. Someone just to fuck.
GLORIA: Now you are being offensive. I thought you were having fun too. There’s no point if we’re not both having fun.
SANDRA: I want to end this.
SANDRA: You don’t care?!
Gloria wears her silk night robe and moves to sit on the loungechair. She is calm as she watches Sandra.
SANDRA: You’re very good at this aren’t you?
GLORIA: Let’s not end this with an argument.
Sandra completes dressing, she is ready to go. She stands and faces Gloria. A tear escapes.  More tears fall, a cascade becomes sobs. Gloria, reaches to her, comforts her. Sandra falls into her embrace. Gloria guides Sandra to sit with her on the bed. They sit side-by-side.
SANDRA: I’ve met someone.
Gloria nods, knowingly. She guessed. Genuinely.
GLORIA: Well that’s wonderful.
Sandra smiles, she’s not so sure. Gloria senses it.
GLORIA: Does she know how you feel about her?
GLORIA: Does she feel the same way?
SANDRA: I don’t know.
GLORIA: Is she being honest with you?
SANDRA: Yes. She won’t leave her husband.
GLORIA: Is she being honest with her husband?
SANDRA: Too honest.
Gloria wonders about this comment, can you be too honest?
Sandra says with determination.
SANDRA: I want her.
GLORIA: All to yourself?
GLORIA: It’s good that you know what you want.
Sandra shrugs, she’s not so sure.
Gloria waits if Sandra wants to say more. Nothing.
GLORIA: Wherever, however you find love. It might be crazy lust or deep understanding, full of drama, or easy as a summer breeze, or all of these things at the same time. Cherish it for what it is and for as long as it lasts. But you must let it go when you know that it’s over.
Sandra nods, trying to take it in, trying to believe it.
Gloria rises. Offers Sandra her hand. Sandra takes it, rises. Gloria kisses her tenderly on her cheek.
GLORIA: Good-bye darling. Take care.
Sandra accepts, then leaves. We stay with Gloria.
OFF SCREEN we hear the door close.


DEEP into the night. Karen opens the door to her apartment to reveal Sandra. Nothing is said. 


LATER. Sandra is curled up in Karen’s arms, both are fast asleep. Both are fully dressed. 


MORNING. Sandra and Karen walking together arrive at a tram stop. They hug. Sandra gets on the tram and the tram leaves. Karen walks away.
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