Part 5 – Let’s Get It On

Synopsis. Collins St. Sandra is standing by the kerb. Receives a text – from Mary “I forgive you! J. Call me?” Sandra is affected. She saves the number. A late model Merc pulls up – it’s Gloria. Sandra gets into the car.

Gloria’s Bedroom. Gloria and Sandra enter Gloria’s opulant bedroom. Gloria amuses Sandra with her travails about online dating, older men, and their reluctance to give her oral sex. Gloria directs Sandra to a gift on the bed – its the shirt. Gloria asks Sandra to wear it. Sandra alluringly changes shirts. Gloria joins her, helps her button up, then undo. She asks Sandra to undress her. They kiss. Sandra drops to her knees. We watch Gloria receive the pleasure.

Morning. Sandra wakes up. The bed is empty.

Later. Sandra finds Gloria in the kitchen making coffee. Sandra is wearing the shirt Gloria gave her. Gloria offers coffee. Sandra can’t “has to leave”. Gloria thanks her for last night. Gloria’s daughter enters the kitchen, casually, says “Hi” to Sandra, compliments her shirt, winks at Gloria. Gloria’s husband enters, politely acknowledges Sandra, takes his freshly made coffee, leaves with his daughter. Gloria looks very pleased with herself. Sandra is bemused.


Full Script. EARLY evening. Collins Street. “Suits” rushing home. Sandra stands kerbside in front of her shop. Her mobile buzzes that it has received a text – it reads “I forgive you! J Call me. Mary”. Sandra is affected. She saves the number “Mary”. A late model Mercedes Benz pulls up beside her driven by Gloria. Sandra jumps into the car and it drives off.

LATER Sandra follows Gloria into her luxurious bedroom. They are mid-way through a conversation and laughing.
GLORIA: …well I really enjoy oral sex! You have to ask. I’m not going to waste my time if he won’t do it. All they want to talk about is their credentials and what they want: Widowed or divorced. Working or retired. Where they live. That they want to travel, walks in the park, going to the movies. Like they are shopping for a wife. I had a wonderful husband. I’m not looking for another one.
Gloria drapes herself onto a lounge chair. Sandra stands in the middle of the room facing Gloria.
GLORIA: I have a gift for you. There. On the bed.
Sandra recognises the bag, she pulls out the shirt.
SANDRA: (Cheeky) Great shirt. (Sincerely.) Thank you.
GLORIA: Wear it for me?
Sandra faces Gloria as she slowly takes off her shirt then wears the new one. Gloria approaches and helps her fasten the buttons. Sandra is enjoying being dressed by Gloria.  Gloria fastens the last button, pauses, looks at Sandra as if about to devour her. Gloria unbuttons the shirt and takes it off. She runs her fingers across Sandra’s breasts.
GLORIA: Take off my clothes.
Sandra deftly removes Gloria’s clothes and caresses her body. Kisses Gloria’s neck, her shoulders, her breast, her stomach. Sandra drops to her knees. We watch Gloria receiving the pleasure.
MORNING. Sandra wakes up. The bed is empty. Sandra is surprised. 


SANDRA enters the kitchen, she has been searching for Gloria. Sandra is wearing the shirt Gloria gave her. Gloria is making coffee into a keep cup.

GLORIA: Good morning. Coffee?

SANDRA: I’ve gotta go.

GLORIA: Ok. Thank you for last night. I had a wonderful time.
SANDRA: You’re amazing.
Gloria smiles.
A 20-Something Woman, Diane, Gloria’s daughter enters. This startles Sandra. Gloria remains nonplussed.
DIANE: Hi Mum.
Diane grabs an apple from the fridge.
GLORIA: Good morning darling. This is Sandra.
DIANE: (Relaxed) Hey.
SANDRA: (Stiff) Hey.
DIANE: Great shirt.
SANDRA: Thanks.
Diane throws Gloria an approving look. Then Gloria’s husband Ted walks into the kitchen.
TED: (To Gloria) Good morning. (Sees Sandra. Politely.) Hello. (To Diane.) Ready sweetheart?
Ted is ok with the situation but keeps moving. Gloria hands Ted the keep cup. Diane exits.
Ted and Diane leave. Gloria nonchalantly continues to drink her coffee. Sandra looks at Gloria, intrigued.
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