Part 4 – Take Off Your Clothes (includes video)

Synopsis. At the shirt shop. Sandra dresses a mannequin in the front window. Gloria enters to collect her jacket, she lingers, asks Sandra’s help to buy a shirt – a gift “for her daughter” she says, asks Sandra to “choose something you would like”, asks Sandra to try it on for her. Gloria holds her gaze on Sandra. Sandra notices, blushes. A moment in the frisson. Sandra enters the change cubicle, pulls the velvet curtain half closed. Gloria watches Sandra change into the shirt. Via the full-length mirror, Sandra watches Gloria watching her. A new customer enters the store. Gloria deftly takes care of it. Sandra emerges from the cubicle. Gloria returns, adjusts the shirt. They stand side by side facing the full length mirror. Gloria caresses Sandra’s neck – sensuous like a vampire surveying its prey. Sandra accepts Gloria’s touch. They kiss. They break. They kiss again. They make plans to meet tonight. Gloria buys the shirt.


Full Script. INSIDE the shirt shop. Sandra is on her knees in the shop window dressing a mannequin. Gloria walks past the window, smiles “hello” to Sandra, enters the shop.
SANDRA: Hi Gloria.
GLORIA: Hello darling. How is your day?
Sandra finds Gloria’s suit/hands it to her.
SANDRA: All done.
Gloria lingers. Sandra waits attentively.