Part 1 – Lust & Wild Abandon

Synopsis. Late in the night at a gay dance club. Sandra and Karen dance amongst a sea of sweaty, intoxicated men and women – into the music and into each other.

Later, Karen’s Apartment. Sandra and Karen – wild, giddy, completely lost in the lustful sex.

First light. Sandra awakens, hung over, orientates to her location. Sees Karen, watches for any awakeness. None. Sandra slips out of the bed, starts pulling on her clothes. Karen rouses, wants to get to know her better. Sandra is keen to go. They casually exchange mobile numbers. Sandra “Thanks. It was great”. Sandra leaves. Karen squeals “Great? That was awesome!”.

Another day. Inside a Melbourne tram. Sandra gazes out the window. In another part of the tram Karen reads from her phone. The tram fills with passengers ending any chance they will see each other. We hear a voiceover of Sandra and Karen exchanging phone messages, trying to get together – unsuccessful. Their voices disappear into the white noise of life.


Full script. LATE into the night at an inner city club. Lust and wild abandon. A sea of men and women dance to a driven beat. Sandra and Karen are on the dancefloor illuminated by a pulsing light. Into the music and into each other.


KAREN’S bedroom. A warm, golden light bathes Sandra’s and Karen’s naked, glistening bodies. Kiss, kiss, kiss. Body parts intermingle. Hands search out each other’s arousal. Intense, sweaty, trippy sex.


FIRST light. Quiet, but for the gentle hum of early morning traffic. Sandra awakens. Groggy, hung over, not sure where she is. She sees Karen is still sleeping. She watches her for a moment then slips out of the bed, starts pulling on her clothes. Karen rouses.

KAREN: You can stay.
Sandra continues dressing.
SANDRA: Gotta get to work.
Karen stretches like a cat.
KAREN: I’ll make you breakfast.
SANDRA: Can’t. (Lying.) Meeting.
Karen sits up in bed, rubs the sleep from her eyes.
KAREN: Who makes a meeting for a Monday morning? I hate Mondays.
Karen watches Sandra finish dressing. Sandra avoids eye contact.
KAREN: (Hopeful but not desperate) Do you want to hook up again sometime?
Sandra rubs her forehead (a nervous tick.).
KAREN: Alright! Gimme your mobile.
Sandra indifferently hands over her mobile to Karen. Karen punches in her number, text message. Karen’s phone buzzes on the side table that the text is received. Sandra reads the text to herself, smiles: “Karen is awesome. Sandra call Karen!”.
SANDRA: I need to go.
Sandra leaves. The door closes. Karen looks in the direction of the door.



MORNING. A tram travels along an inner city street.

INSIDE. We watch a Woman seated, checking facebook. Passengers get on, get off and obstruct our view of the Woman. Then there is a gap amongst the passengers – the Woman is gone. Against this background we hear the following exchange of messages.
KAREN: (Voice mail) Hi. It’s Karen…from last night. Just called to say “Hi”.
SANDRA: (Voice mail) Hi it’s Sandra. Hey I’ll call you next week.
KAREN: (Voice mail) Sorry I just missed your call. I hope last week was ok? Do you wanna catch up on the weekend?
SANDRA: (Voice mail) Hey Karen. Look sorry I can’t this weekend.
KAREN: (Voice mail) Hi it’s Karen. I’ll try again later.
KAREN: (Voice mail) Bloody messagebank. (Realising.) Fuck! Sorry I didn’t mean to leave that message! It’s Karen. Again.
KAREN: (Voice mail) It’s Karen. I’ll try again later.
We hear that someone has called but does not leave a message.
Again. We hear that someone has called but does not leave a message.

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